HomeRelated NewsdetailAnnouncement of Accepting Entries for the Washoku World Challenge
Announcement of Accepting Entries for the Washoku World Challenge

Announcement of Accepting Entries for the Washoku World Challenge

This year, the contest will be held online with an expanded scope of participation, including chefs of Japanese cuisine from across the world and culinary school students.

The “Washoku World Challenge” is a Japanese cuisine contest organized by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of Japan for non-Japanese chefs deeply interested in Japanese cuisine and who are eager to improve their skills and knowledge.

We have reported on the past qualifying and final tournaments on this website; during the 7th contest last year, the regional qualifying tournaments were held in five cities worldwide, and the final tournament with 5 finalists was held in Tokyo.


Final tournament held last year

This year, the contest will be held online, as it is difficult to hold ordinary qualifying and final tournaments while ensuring the safety of all participants due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Expanded the scope of participation, the entries from a wide range of applicants including non-Japanese chefs of Japanese cuisine from across the world, chefs who are interested in Japanese food and food culture, and students who want to become chefs are accepted.
The theme of the contest is “My Japanese Cuisine.” Participants will be asked to express in their dishes the techniques of Japanese cuisine, its values, way of thinking, and essence.

Please refer to the contest website for more details. https://washoku-worldchallenge.jp/2020/en/

More contest information is posted on the following social media channels. Please check and follow our accounts!
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WashokuWorldChallenge/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/WashokuWorldChallenge
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/WashokuWorldChallenge/