HomeRelated NewsdetailThe 10th Washoku World Challenge Final Tournament Held in TokyoThe winner is Jakub HORÁK from the Czech Republic
The 10th Washoku World Challenge Final Tournament Held in Tokyo<br>The winner is Jakub HORÁK from the Czech Republic

The 10th Washoku World Challenge Final Tournament Held in Tokyo
The winner is Jakub HORÁK from the Czech Republic

On February 27 (Mon) and February 28 (Tue), 2023 the Final Tournament of the “Washoku World Challenge”, a Japanese cuisine competition organized by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of Japan for non-Japanese chefs, was held in Tokyo. 
Celebrating its 10th anniversary, six finalists from the Regional Qualifying Tournaments held in Paris, New York, and Singapore, and the Online Qualifying Tournament their skills as they competed for two days. Taking first place was Mr. Jakub HORÁK (Yamato Japanese Restaurant in the Czech Republic). 

The finalists created a "Nimonowan" using specified ingredients as Assignment 1, and an Appetizer (five kinds of assorted dishes) on the designated Hassun plate as Assignment 2, in line with the theme “DASHI”.

Winner Jakub HORÁK said, “I never thought that I would win first place at all. I am so happy and simply cannot stop smiling. This will change my life in many ways, and it will be a big tailwind for my career. From now, I would like to become a Japanese cuisine ambassador and presenter to introduce people in my home country to the wide variety of great Japanese food that exists beyond Sushi, Ramen, and Tempura.” 

Mr. Murata, head judge of the competition, said, “It was probably the first time to see contestants with such impressively high skills. All contestants were able to make DASHI well. These are wonderful chefs with their own individualities, so I look forward to their future. I hope they will continue to serve delicious Japanese cuisine.”

First Place  Jakub HORÁK (Czech Republic, Yamato Japanese restaurant)


From left, Jakub HORÁK, Nimonowan, Appetizer “Five tales of ume (plum) blossom leaves”

Second Place  YEO In Hyeok (Japan, Tokyo Ginza Mutsukari  *Korean)                                


From left, YEO In Hyeok, Nimonowan, Appetizer “Haru no Moriawase (Spring assort)”

Third Place  Aeron CHOO Bonh Hin(Republic of Singapore, Kappou)                                 


From left, Aeron CHOO Boh Hin, Nimonowan, Appetizer “Koshun (Taking steps towards next season)”

【Other Finalists】

Czar TAGAYUNA(United States of America, Restaurant chef)                                 
YOO Kok Hoong(Republic of Singapore, Fat Cow  * Malaysian)                                 
YANG Peishih(Taiwan, Tsukiyoiwa)                                 

【 Final Tournament Overview】

Date: February 27 (Mon) and February 28 (Tue), 2023

Venue: Tokyo Kaikan Cooking School operated by ABC Cooking Studio
 (Kokusai Build. B2F, 3-1-1 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 100-0005, Japan)

Assignment 1
In line with the theme “DASHI”, prepare a “Nimonowan” using specified ingredients (90 min.)
Cook with crab (stick), fish paste, small turnip, carrot, and other specific ingredients.

Assignment 2
In line with the theme “DASHI”, prepare Appetizer (five kinds of assorted dishes) on the designated Hassun plate (220 min.)
Cooked with ingredients that individual finalists purchase in Japan.


Head Judge: MURATA Yoshihiro(Japanese Cuisine Goodwill Ambassador, Owner & Chef of Kikunoi, Chairman of Japanese Culinary Academy)

Deputy Head JudgeNAKATA Masahiro(Director of Taiwa Gakuen Inc., Director of Taiwa Gakuen Hospitality Industry Development Center)

JudgeYANAGIHARA Naoyuki(Japanese Cuisine Goodwill Ambassador, Executive Chef of Kinsa ryu Yanagihara Cooking School of Traditional Japanese Cuisine)

JudgeTASAKI Shinya(Japanese Cuisine Goodwill Ambassador, Chairperson, Japan Sommelier Association)

JudgeNOMURA Yuri(Chef/ Food Director for “eatrip”) 

[Official Website, SNS]

The following website and SNS sites provide information about the Washoku World Challenge:

Official website: https://www.washoku-worldchallenge.maff.go.jp/10th/en/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WashokuWorldChallenge/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/WashokuWorldChallenge/

YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/c/WashokuWorldChallenge