HomeRelated Newsdetail#TryTasteofJapan Photo Challenge
#TryTasteofJapan Photo Challenge

#TryTasteofJapan Photo Challenge

Share your very own special Japanese foods and ingredients with #TryTasteofJapan for a chance to win great prizes!

How to Enter:


Use any of the hot social media services below!
*As the purpose of this campaign is to raise interest in Japanese cuisine and Japanese ingredients, only the following posts will be considered:


Use your smartphone or camera to shoot a photo of your amazing tastes of Japanese foods and ingredients.

Check out our Facebook page and follow us.
②Photos must be taken at shops and/or restaurants listed on the Taste of Japan website, and
③Photos must be tagged with the shop/restaurant's location and the hashtag #TryTasteofJapan.

Set your post profile to public and upload your photo!

Use your smartphone or camera to shoot a photo of your amazing tastes of Japanese foods and ingredients.

2.TAG IT!!
Check out our Facebook page
and follow us.
②Photos must be taken at shops and/or restaurants listed on the Taste of Japan website, and
③Photos must be tagged with the shop/restaurant's location and the hashtag #TryTasteofJapan.

Set your post to public and upload your photo!
*Download the Instagram app on your smartphone.

Example Photos


We're waiting for wonderful photos about Japanese foods and ingredients from everyone!



Participants who submit the top 7 photos highlighting the wonderful appeal of Japan will each receive an award uniquely representative of this cool and captivating country! *Images are for illustration purposes.

#TryTasteofJapan Winner: flight to Japan! (1 person)
We’re bringing you to Japan to enrich your knowledge of Japanese foods and ingredients.

Other Prizes
・Meal tickets to Japanese restaurants overseas (3 people)
・An assortment of regional Japanese food products, such as miso, rice crackers, powdered green tea, etc. (3 people)

A total of 7 prizes are prepared.

Rules & Regulations

1.General Rules
・These rules shall apply to any and all relationships between the Taste of Japan campaign office and users with respect to this campaign.
・By posting a subject photograph according to the procedure set forth below, the user has thereby agreed to all aspects of these rules.
・All or part of these campaign rules may be revised without prior notice to users, and any such revisions will come into effect the moment they are posted on the website. By posting a subject photograph after the regulations have been changed, the user has thereby agreed to the revised rules.
・If the campaign office deems it necessary, this campaign may be altered or canceled without prior notice. The campaign office assumes no responsibility for damages to applicants or third parties due to the alteration or cancellation of this campaign, and will be under no obligation to provide compensation.

・Entries may be submitted by any individual residing outside of Japan. Applicants may be of any age or nationality and may be either professional or amateur.
*As the purpose of this campaign is to raise interest in Japanese cuisine and Japanese ingredients, only the following posts will be considered:
Check out our Facebook page and follow us.
② Photos taken at shops and restaurants listed on the Taste of Japan website, and
③ Photos on applicable social media networks (i.e. Facebook, Instagram) that are tagged with the shop/restaurant's location and the hashtag #TryTasteofJapan.
・Please post photos that convey the things that you find most appealing about Japanese food and ingredients. There is no limit to the number of photos or posts allowed.
・When posting a photograph that you have not taken yourself or one that depicts a third party, please obtain the consent of the photographer or third party prior to posting. When posting images that contain objects that others hold the rights to, such as literary works, portraits, trademarks, and/or trade names, please be sure to obtain consent from the holder(s) of those rights prior to posting. The campaign office assumes no responsibility for damages incurred by applicants or third parties due to applicants’ posts, and will be under no obligation to provide compensation.
・Applicants are responsible for all internet and communication fees incurred when making submissions for the campaign.
・The campaign office is permitted to do the following with user-uploaded photos without obtaining the prior consent of users. In addition, the campaign office may contact users with respect to posted content.
① Review photo content.
② Post, or choose not to post, photos on the Taste of Japan website and/or Facebook page at its discretion.
③ Modify or remove content that was posted on the Taste of Japan website and/or Facebook page at its discretion.
・If the campaign office determines that any of the following criteria apply or that there is a risk that they may apply, a posted photo may be removed without prior notice to the user. The campaign office will be solely responsible for determining whether or not a photo meets the criteria for removal, and will not disclose its reasons for doing so to the user.
① Photos that infringe on the rights of a third party (portrait rights, copyrights, etc.).
② Photos that are sexual, violent, or discriminatory in nature.
③ Photos that are offensive to public order and morality.
④ Photos that include content that can be seen as advertising, promotion, or solicitation.
⑤ Photos deemed by the campaign office to contain inappropriate content or expressions.
・The winners of this campaign will be notified by a direct message on social media.

3.Ownership of Rights
・The copyrights for posted photos (including comments and all other information included within the photos) belong to the user (the photographer) or to the third party who has granted authorization to the user. However, the campaign office, or third parties who have legitimately acquired the rights from the campaign office or who have been legally authorized to re-use the rights, have the right (including the rights listed from Article 21 to Article 28 of the Copyright Law) to use the subject photos free of charge.
・With respect to their uploaded photos, users shall not exercise their copyright holder rights (publication rights, name display rights, the right of integrity) against the campaign office or third parties who have legitimately obtained said rights from the campaign office or who have been legally authorized to use said rights.

4.General Terms
・This campaign assumes that users will practice moderation based on personal responsibility and good manners. Posting and other uses of this campaign, as well as the handling of information obtained through participation in this campaign, are entirely at each user’s own risk, and the campaign office will assume no responsibility.
・With respect to the relationship between users and the campaign office and their positions concerning this campaign, all or part of the rights and obligations arising therefrom shall not be transferable by users to third parties without the prior written consent of the campaign office.
・In the event that a dispute arises with respect to this campaign, a claim is made against the campaign office by a user or third party, a court finds the campaign office liable for damages or other charges, and damages are paid, the campaign office can claim from the responsible user all costs related to the dispute (monetary damages, court costs, attorney fees, etc.).
・This agreement shall be governed by Japanese law.
・The Tokyo District Court shall have exclusive jurisdiction of the first instance over all disputes arising out of or in connection to this campaign.

Taste of Japan campaign office

© Taste of Japan Campaign Office - All rights reserved.