HomeRelated NewsdetailWashoku World Challenge Result of Paris Qualifying Tournament
Washoku World Challenge Result of Paris Qualifying Tournament

Washoku World Challenge Result of Paris Qualifying Tournament

Paris Qualifying Tournament was held on 5th November 2019 at Le Cordon Bleu and 6 chefs competed for their technical expertise and passion for Japanese food.

The first section was cooking technique (basic knife skills) test for 15 minutes. From one 10cm long daikon radish, contestants had to make Daikon katsura muki (30cm-long peel with no breaks), Daikon ken (for roughly five people).

The second section was cooking their original recipe for 100 minutes. Using scallops and three or more out of the five designated additional ingredients provided by the contest organizing committee (pumpkin, carrots, green beans, daikon and spinach), prepare a dish for four people, utilizing one of the five ways of Japanese cooking (cutting, simmering, grilling, steaming, and deep-frying).


And the winner is …


Wojciech Popow from Poland.


This is the original dish cooked by Wojciech Popow.
He will be invited to Tokyo for the final.

1st place: Wojciech Popow (Poland, Beaverbrook)
2nd place: Tamas Nazai (Hungary, Zen-noh restaurant London Ltd.)
3rd place: Joe Kimura Downie (Scotland, Kimura’s Kitchen)


This is the original dish cooked by Tamas Nazai.


This is the original dish cooked by Joe Kimura Downie.

Thank you all for being a part of the Paris Qualifying Tournament.


We encourage all the competitors who did not qualify this time, to come back and take the challenge again.